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The world of smart data at the service of health

Integra Cloud is a project led by the INCLIVA Biomedical Research Institute of the Hospital Clínico de la Comunitat Valenciana, belonging to the Health Department of the Generalitat Valenciana.

Its objective is the creation of a platform based on Cloud Edge computing and the development of predictive and artificial intelligence systems.

The optimization of the quadruple helix of health care

Integra Cloud was born with the purpose of creating a health data space or data lake that favours learning, innovation and social impact.

All this translates into benefits for the health and academic fields, as well as for research and civil society, under the umbrella of Responsible Research and Innovation.

  • Impact on health outcomes in the medium and long term.

  • Reduction of care costs.

  • Improvement in the quality of information, processes and services.

  • Optimization of the experience of patients.

Impact of Integra Cloud on the health system

This impact will imply an improvement in care thanks to the development of a management model adapted to the needs of health care managers, the implementation of methodologies for predicting needs, decision support systems and the integration of telemedicine.

Intelligent use of data for a better health system

Integra Cloud pursues the development of a secure platform that integrates real-time health information, applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) and predictive analytics methods. The project seeks to demonstrate performance based on four use cases: dashboard management, emergency assistance, primary care efficiency and surveillance of new chronic diseases in Public Health.


Design of a multidimensional dashboard based on artificial intelligence models based on two differentiated blocks.

On the one hand, the corporate one, aimed at monitoring the results achieved on the objectives of the annual health management agreement, and, on the other hand, the sectoral one, to provide information support in the care routes as a strategy for changing processes and integrating care levels.


Analysis of the functioning of the emergency assistance and prediction of patient arrival to improve staff planning.

It is intended to optimize care flows in critical situations, such as acute coronary syndrome, stroke or sepsis, as well as rationalize complementary explorations based on experience and find the appropriate diagnosis in the shortest possible time.


Monitoring and evaluation of primary care services to perform a cost-efficiency analysis of health centers and provide a high-quality service limiting health expenditure.

To do this, the key sociodemographic and socioeconomic variables will be incorporated and the most appropriate inputs and outputs will be taken into account to measure efficiency.

Public Health

Monitoring and evaluation of primary care services to perform a cost-efficiency analysis of health centers and provide a high-quality service limiting health expenditure.

To do this, the key sociodemographic and socioeconomic variables will be incorporated and the most appropriate inputs and outputs will be taken into account to measure efficiency.

Cloud Edge

Computing at the edge or Cloud Edge allows data processing close to the source, reducing latency and bandwidth consumption.

The use of this technology can have an impact on assistance, as it provides access to real-time information and facilitates smoother collaboration between professionals.

  • Integration
    Analysis of large volumes of biomedical data, without the need for transfer to remote data centers.
  • Security
    Security and protection of sensitive data at source.
  • Personalization
    Greater efficiency in health care thanks to the possibility of performing more accurate diagnoses and personalized treatments.

Ethics and security based on Responsible Research and Innovation

Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) can help to improve the quality, relevance and impact of scientific projects, as well as to foster trust and social support for science. RRI supports inclusive and sustainable research and innovation, open and transparent, anticipatory and reflective, sensitive and adaptive, able to address current social challenges and adapt to emerging knowledge and needs.

Integra Cloud and Data Protection

This platform, as a health research element, has posed important ethical, legal and social challenges.

Due to the sensitivity of the data processed, various security measures have been implemented such as massive data anonymization, access restrictions, data hosting in European territory, among others; as well as privacy and security standards and protocols, such as the ENS, suitable to ensure data protection.

This ensures that the project complies with national and European Union legislation.