- Integra Cloud pursues the integration of health information in real time in the Clínico-Malvarrosa health department of Valencia.
- The EBDVF is the most important annual event of the Big Data Value Association, which brings together the European research and innovation community in Artificial Intelligence.
Valencia (04.10.24). The INCLIVA Health Research Institute of the Hospital Clínico de València was present this week at the European Big Data Value Forum (EBDVF) 2024, where it presented the Integra Cloud project. The presentation was given by Alba María Oltra Gómez, Public Health Data Analyst, who acts as a liaison between the institution and the Regional Ministry of Health.
Under the title ‘The world of intelligent data at the service of health’, Oltra Gómez addressed the objectives, benefits and phases of the Integra Cloud project, emphasising the importance of ethics and security in the management of data for citizens.
EBDVF 2024, which concludes today at the Crowne Plaza in Budapest, is the most important annual event of the Big Data Value Association, which brings together the European community of research and innovation in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI). During the forum, knowledge is shared, collaboration is fostered and achievements in the field are celebrated.
The conference brings together European industry professionals, business leaders, researchers and policy makers, with the aim of driving action around data and AI.
Integra Cloud Project
The birth of this project can be explained by the European injection through the Next Generation EU programme to move towards a greener, digital, healthier, stronger and more egalitarian Europe after the economic, social and health crisis resulting from Covid-19.
Spain, through the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, decided to support innovative projects in the area of cloud computing with UNICO R+D Cloud. The aim of this programme is to promote digital transformation through research, development and innovation.
Under the umbrella of these grants, INCLIVA received 5.2 million euros to develop Integra Cloud. This project aims to transform the healthcare sector through a series of activities based on the availability and analysis of healthcare and logistics processes in real time.
Integra Cloud started in January 2023 and will conclude in June 2025. It is being developed by INCLIVA’s Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Platform, under the leadership of Dr. Josep Redón. It also has the collaboration of the entity’s IT Unit, as well as the IT, Internal Medicine and Pharmacy Services, the Management and Medical Direction of the Hospital Clínico Universitario de València and the General Directorate of Public Health of the Regional Ministry of Health.
The team that makes up Integra Cloud is working on an open and secure platform for the integration of all health information that will allow access, capture, storage and decentralised exchange of health data in real time within the Valencia Clínico-Malvarrosa Health Department, which covers some 350,000 people.
The platform will enable the development of AI models and predictive analytics that will empower management and healthcare staff in decision-making. In this way, it aims to improve health outcomes and patient experience, as well as reduce the cost of care.
Big Data Value Association (BDVA)
Mercedes Poveda, INCLIVA’s Project Manager, also participated in the EBDVF presentation with the progress of the InnDIH project, the Digital Innovation Hub of the Valencian Community, which seeks to digitise SMEs and public administration through collaboration between the public and private sectors.
Poveda highlighted INCLIVA’s recent recognition by the Big Data Value Association as an i-Space in the Bronze category, awarded in October 2023. This recognition highlights the quality of the entity as a centre for innovation in health and ensures compliance with the necessary requirements to promote innovation based on data and artificial intelligence at a local level, promoting collaborations with similar initiatives at a European level.
The BDVA’s mission is to develop an innovation ecosystem that facilitates data-driven digital transformation in Europe. INCLIVA is an active member since 2017 of the BDVA, which brings together more than 230 entities, including companies and research organisations. Through its working groups, members contribute to the European research and innovation agenda in data and AI, creating strategic guidelines and opportunities for collaborations.

Funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.