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The world of smart data at the service of health

Integra Cloud is an open platform for access, capture, storage and decentralized exchange of real-time health data from the Clínico-Malvarrosa Health Department of the province of Valencia, led by Dr. Josep Redón i Mas, emeritus researcher of INCLIVA.

How was Integra Cloud born?

After the economic, social and health crisis derived from Covid-19, the European Union opted for Next Generation EU, a financial stimulus instrument endowed with more than 800,000 million euros to advance in a greener, digital, healthy, strong and egalitarian EU.

  • Access to European funds
    To access these funds, the Member States had to present national recovery plans. Thus, was born the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, the Spanish project based on ten lever policies to walk in favour of the ecological transition, digital transformation, territorial cohesion and gender equality.
  • Innovative projects in the cloud computing area
    Within the framework of this plan, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation has distributed 42.9 million euros among ten research centers and foundations and public Spanish universities for the realization of innovative projects in the cloud computing area of ​​the UNICO I + D Cloud program.
  • Digital transformation through innovation
    UNICO I + D Cloud aims to make Spain one of the most developed ecosystems of cloud computing, thus contributing to European digital autonomy. Its ultimate purpose is to promote digital transformation through research, development and innovation.
  • Third entity benefitted with the highest budget
    INCLIVA is the third entity benefitted with the highest budget of the Spanish program, 5.2 million euros, to develop the Integra Cloud project.

Challenges and opportunities to improve the care system

The challenge of Integra Cloud is to improve health care through the use of technology. It is an opportunity to create a management system that adapts to the needs of health professionals, that helps them make better decisions and that allows them to use telemedicine to offer higher quality and efficiency services to patients.

Benefits of Integra Cloud

This project aims to create an open platform for access, capture, storage and decentralized exchange of real-time health data for Cloud Edge computing and the development of predictive and artificial intelligence systems.

  • Data lake
    Integra Cloud was born with the purpose of creating a health data space or data lake that favours learning, innovation and social impact.
  • Benefits
    The project seeks to provide benefits to the health and academic fields, as well as to research and civil society, under the umbrella of Responsible Research and Innovation.
  • Quadruple Helix
    It foresees the optimization of the quadruple helix of health care through the impact on health outcomes in the medium and long term; the reduction of care costs; the improvement in the quality of information, processes and services and, finally; the optimization of the experience of patients.

Intelligent use of data for a better health system

The Integra Cloud project aims to develop a secure platform that integrates real-time health information, applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) and predictive analytics methods. This platform allows health personnel to access relevant data from patients, as well as tools to support clinical decision making.

In addition, it facilitates interoperability between the different existing health information systems, ensuring compliance with data protection and security regulations. Integra Cloud aims to improve the quality and efficiency of health care, as well as to promote research and innovation in the field of digital health.

Use cases

The project aims to demonstrate performance based on four use cases: dashboard management, emergency room assistance, primary care efficiency and surveillance of new chronic diseases in Public Health sector.


Design of a multidimensional dashboard based on artificial intelligence models based on two differentiated blocks.

On the one hand, the corporate one, aimed at monitoring the results achieved on the objectives of the annual health management agreement, and, on the other hand, the sectoral one, to provide information support in the care routes as a strategy for changing processes and integrating care levels.


Analysis of the functioning of the emergency assistance and prediction of patient arrival to improve staff planning.

It is intended to optimize care flows in critical situations, such as acute coronary syndrome, stroke or sepsis, as well as rationalize complementary explorations based on experience and find the appropriate diagnosis in the shortest possible time.


Monitoring and evaluation of primary care services to perform a cost-efficiency analysis of health centers and provide a high-quality service limiting health expenditure.

To do this, the key sociodemographic and socioeconomic variables will be incorporated and the most appropriate inputs and outputs will be taken into account to measure efficiency.

Public Health

Monitoring and evaluation of primary care services to perform a cost-efficiency analysis of health centers and provide a high-quality service limiting health expenditure.

To do this, the key sociodemographic and socioeconomic variables will be incorporated and the most appropriate inputs and outputs will be taken into account to measure efficiency.